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2023年拉美裔传统月的横幅上写着“拉美人:推动繁荣”, power, and progress in America.

Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month

Contact or 531-622-2253 for more information.

VIRTUAL Lecture: Latinos & The Environment


Only 6.2%的拉美裔人获得环境科学学位. And yet, according to multiple national polls, 他们受到气候驱动的极端天气的影响不成比例,通常更关心气候变化. For decades, 拉丁人为环保运动做出了巨大贡献, such as farm labor rights, 环境政策和气候与移民政策之间的联系不断扩大. 伊萨亚斯·埃尔南德斯(Isaias Hernandez)是一位居住在洛杉矶的拉丁裔环保主义者, 他的文化经历如何塑造了他驾驭世界的方式. His parents, who were born in Mexico, 因气候和经济危机被迫离开自己的农田. In this talk, 伊萨亚斯试图通过向年轻的拉丁环保主义者展示他们, too, have a voice in the movement. 他分享了拉丁社区在倡导环境正义和赋予拉丁社区权力方面的历史和贡献.
Date: Tuesday, September 19
Time: 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. CDT
Register for Zoom at this link: Latinos & The Environment

VIRTUAL FILM & DISCUSSION: Missing in Brooks County

讨论由南德克萨斯人权中心的Eduardo Canales主持

70 miles north of the U.S./Mexico border lied Brooks County, Texas, a haunted, 这是一个荒凉的地方,每年都有数百名移民在试图绕过当地边境巡逻检查站时失踪. 《OPE电子竞技官网》讲述了两个家庭来到布鲁克斯县寻找亲人的故事, only to find a mystery that deepens at every turn. A gripping drama, 这也是对人权工作者极具人道主义色彩的描绘, 激进分子和执法人员面对着支离破碎的移民制度带来的生死后果.
Date: Thursday, September 28
Time: 10:15 - 11:50 a.m. CDT
Register for Zoom at this link: Mission in Brooks County


by Javier Avila, Ph.D., Professor of English, Northhamptom Community College, 2021年美国高等教育拉美裔协会威廉·阿吉拉尔文化奖, 2015 Pennsylvania Professor of the Year

《ope客户端》的指导思想是这样一个关键问题:“当代表性稀缺时,我们该向何处求助??” To address this question, Ávila依赖于他的标志性风格,将讲故事与他的原创诗歌结合起来——只是这一次, he offers his most personal reflection yet. Ávila讲述了他从一个在家乡波多黎各学习英语的男孩到成为获奖作家的历程, a beloved English professor, 也是唯一一位被评为宾夕法尼亚年度教授的拉丁裔人. He invites audiences to consider the unlikely, 被忽视的元素需要写自己的叙述时更宏大, more visible alternatives seem out of reach. 在它的核心,站起来是一个温暖的致敬教育,家庭和社区的力量.
Date: Monday, October 9
Location: Elkhorn Valley Campus 114
Time: 12:15 - 1:30 p.m. CDT
Register for Zoom at this link: Standing Up

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拉丁伊比利亚秀是一场穿越拉丁美洲和西班牙灵魂的身临其境之旅! 以墨西哥迷人的能量开始,以弗里达·卡罗的作品为灵感. 被经典的西班牙舞蹈和充满活力的巴西桑巴舞所吸引. 
体验活泼的节奏瓦伦西亚的吟唱和一个激动人心的流行拉丁音乐混合. Feel the pulse of Spain through “Elementos”, a classic Spanish performance using abanicos (fans), manton (shawl), and castañuelas (castanets).
Lose yourself in the passionate zapateado dance styles, 和我们一起用手鼓和流行歌曲来庆祝波多黎各文化.

Date: Wednesday, October 11
Location: SOC CAM 120
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. CDT
Watch the Hispanic Flamenco Ballet Latin Iberian Show again.

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The Arts & 舞蹈体验是一个教育之旅,通过拉丁和西班牙音乐和舞蹈的脉动世界,观众成为表演的一部分,融合了乐趣和教育. 从拉丁-弗拉门戈节奏的混合开始, the performance then moves to ‘Suite Latina’, a vibrant showcase of legendary Latin songs. “Suite Española”深入了解西班牙音乐传统, 最后是令人兴奋的“互动音乐”-有机会参加专业编排的舞蹈. Standing distinct from the Latin Iberian show, ‘The Arts & “舞蹈体验”强调教育,把观众变成参与者.
以前所未有的方式学习拉丁美洲和西班牙充满活力的文化, dance, and celebrate in a show where you become the star.
Date: Wednesday, October 11
Location South Omaha  Campus CAM 120
Time: Noon-1:05 p.m. CDT 
Watch the Hispanic Flamenco Ballet Arts & Dance Experience again.

Storytelling: Carolina Andrea Quiroga H.  

Bilingual Performer, Writer, Teacher Artist

In collaboration with the Mexican American Historical Society of the Midlands
Born and raised in Cali, Colombia, South America, Carolina earned degrees in industrial engineering, 毕业于东田纳西州立大学(East Tennessee State University),获得叙事硕士学位. 她继续探索不同的讲故事的形式访问学校, libraries, 在大学里,她分享了探索神话的双语故事, legends, folktales, 拉丁美洲和其他西班牙文化的历史叙述和文学. 她还写作并分享她在哥伦比亚的童年和在美国的生活中的奇想故事.S. as an immigrant.
Date: Wednesday, October 25
Location: South Omaha Campus CAM 120
Time: 10:30 a.m. CDT


住宿:由于残疾需要住宿的观众必须联系国际/跨文化教育,, 531-622-2253 at least two weeks prior to the program.

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