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你们自豪地为我们的国家服务. 现在为您服务是我们的荣幸, 通过帮助你满足你的教育需求, 发展, 职业目标.

OPE电子竞技官网 truly values its service members, Veterans, and their families. Your unique experiences enrich the overall learning environment for all of our students.

你是否打算上几节课, 获得专业证书, 或者完成一个两年的课程, please know we stand ready to assist you in meeting your goals.

OPE电子竞技官网, you will find an array of resources to aid in your transition to college life and to help ensure your academic and career success. These resources include dedicated spaces and services designed specifically for you, 包括专业建议, 咨询, 支持服务, all provided by individuals who care and have a vested interest in your success.

We are excited to have you as part of our student body and look forward to helping you achieve your goals. Thank you again for the privilege of serving you at OPE电子竞技官网.

Randy Schmailzl,学院院长

​Welcome to OPE电子竞技官网 退伍军人和军事资源中心 (VMRC)

The VMRC should be the first stop for new and returning student Veterans. All VMRC services and resources are available for Veterans, 现役, 警卫和预备队员以及他们的家属. The center serves as a liaison with other school functions and teams with VA, 国防部, State and community resources to help ensure your success at OPE电子竞技官网 and in meeting life and career goals.

VMRC位于OPE电子竞技官网的南奥马哈校区, 先进制造中心(CAM)大厦, 101房间. 它从早上8点开始营业.m. 到5点.m.星期一至星期五. 

电话:531-622-4770或 VeteransCenter@shanemichaelmurray.com


Fair Rezanka, AF Vet, Veterans Center Brand Ambassador
Luis Ortiz, Marine Vet, Veterans Center Brand Ambassador


  • Educational planning and academic and tutoring support
  • 有关VA, 国防部和州福利的信息
  • 协助获得世纪挑战集团和社区资源
  • On-site VA, VA医院, state, and VSO representatives
  • VA Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL) Counselor
  • Programming and events specifically for military-connected students
  • 学生退伍军人组织
  • 安静的房间,按摩椅,放松和恢复活力
  • 私人自习室,电脑和互联网接入
  • 免费咖啡和其他点心
  • Dedicated space to meet and network with others who have similar experiences


  • 清洁发展机制就业介绍.  3月27日,星期三,下午1点到2点.  你在吗? 建筑或贸易专业?  CDM has several career and employment options for you to consider.  Learn about these opportunities while building your employment network.
  • 美国政府就业简报.  4月3日(星期三)下午1时至2时.    汤姆·埃里森 经过认证的联邦求职培训师和职业教练, from UNL’s Veterans Success Center will provide information about various resources, 浏览应用程序流程, 确保政府就业. 
  • VA资源展.  4月10日,星期三,上午11点到下午2点.  了解可用的资源和服务 奥马哈退伍军人中心.  和外联专家见个面 VA医院 了解可用的医疗保健服务.  与我们的 VA Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL) Counselor to learn about resources available to help military-connected students succeed at school.
  • 学生退伍军人组织 (SVO) Spring Term Meeting4月18日星期四,下午1点到2点.  Get an update on our SVO while connecting with other student Veterans.  Also learn about the various resources provided by Student Veterans of America.
  • 领取退伍军人毕业荣誉勋章.  5月1日星期三至5月9日星期四  如果你是现役军人, 警卫或预备队, 分离, or a Veteran and plan to participate in OPE电子竞技官网’s 2024 commencement ceremony or completed your program, stop by the VMRC during office hours between May 1 to     May 9 to pick up your graduation honor cord.






如果您有问题或需要帮助, the VMRC staff can walk you through the OPE电子竞技官网 application process. 它是 免费申请 and completing an application does not obligate you to attend at OPE电子竞技官网. 要申请入学,请点击“申请”. 注意: Students who have not attended OPE电子竞技官网 in the past two years will also need to complete an application. We can provide basic information about OPE电子竞技官网 academic programs and POC information.

Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL) Program

OPE电子竞技官网的退伍军人 & Military Resource Center (VMRC) is proud to announce the addition of 希瑟 Bojanski as a member of its extended support staff. 希瑟 works for the VA and serves as our Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership or VITAL Counselor.

The VITAL program is a collaborative effort between the school, 退伍军人健康管理局(VHA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) and state and local agencies to ensure our student Veterans, military and family members get the tools they need to succeed.  In addition to serving as a trusted counselor and advocate for students, 希瑟可以帮助的其他行动包括:

  • Assistance with VA health care enrollment and information updates
  • VA职业康复-转诊和协调
  • 协调退伍军人事务部的保健服务
  • 退伍军人医疗保健预约安排
  • Liaison with VA health care providers and VBA personnel
  • Referrals to on-campus and state, county, and local services for Veterans
  • Consultation and support regarding issues impacting academic performance and retention

For questions, or to talk with 希瑟, please contact the VMRC at veteranscenter@mccneb.或直接联系希瑟 希瑟.Bojanski@va.政府.



OPE电子竞技官网 学生退伍军人组织 (SVO) is a charter member of Student Veterans of America. The SVO is student-driven and provides opportunities to develop leadership and to network and support fellow Veterans in academic, 社区和社会环境. 要了解更多关于SVO的信息,请联系VMRC VeteransCenter@shanemichaelmurray.com or 531-622- 4770. 了解更多关于SVA的信息.  下次SVO会议将在冬季学期举行.


In order to recognize its Veteran and military students, OPE电子竞技官网荣幸地为符合条件的毕业生颁发红色证书, 蓝白相间的荣誉绳. Eligible students can pick up their honor cords when checking in for the graduation ceremony. 除了荣誉勋章, students’ Veteran or military status will be recognized during the ceremony. 如果不参加毕业典礼, students can stop by the 退伍军人和军事资源中心 to obtain an honor cord.


OPE电子竞技官网 Humanities faculty member Laura Chambers assembled a reading list for Veterans. Check out the recommended veteran reading list and Book Club.


Are you interested in helping other Veterans and military-connected students achieve educational success?  As a VMRC student attendant you have an opportunity to guide and help fellow students on their OPE电子竞技官网 journey.  Student attendants are considered PT paid school employees.  欲了解更多信息,请联系或访问VMRC.
